The Dental Team
At Cripps Dental Centre our dentists, dental nurses, dental hygienists and reception staff will always aim to provide a high standard of care and service for patients.
The members of our team are:
Dr. Patrick Carroll BChD Dip.ClinEd (Leeds) 1996, (Principal Dentist) GDC - 71947
Mr Steven Clark, Consultant Orthodontist, BDS MSc FDS M.Orth FDS (Orth)
(RCS Edin) M.Orth (RCS Eng) and Oral Surgeon GDC - 68017
Mr Neil Poyser, Consultant In Restorative Dentistry FDS (Rest Dent) RCS, MFDS, BDS GDC - 75148
Dr. Peter Gould BDS (Manc) 1989, GDC - 64852
Dr. Zarina Teli BDS (Barts)2017, GDC - 272260
Dr. Anthony Olowo-Ofayoku BDS (KCL) 2016, GDC - 265173
Dr Nicola Gregory BDS(Sheff)1997, FFD RCS, GDC - 73274
Dr Aya Salama BDS (Dundee) 2023, GDC - 308740
Louise Porter, Practice Manager Cert.DPM
Abigail Shemeld, Hygienist DIP Dental Hyg, GDC - 139438
Ivy Nzuma Hygienist/Therapist DIP Dental Hyg, GDC - 167330
Nadine Miller, Head Dental Nurse RDN RAD OHE, GDC - 126552
Katie Neale, Reception Manager
Tejinder Renu Ghala, Dental Nurse RDN, Cert Implant Nursing GDC - 263344
Indre Vaskeviciene, Dental Nurse RDN, RAD GDC - 263890
Paige Duckworth, Dental Nurse RDN, GDC - 281324
Zoe Treadwell, Dental Nurse RDN, GDC - 281706
Iwona Wienckiewicz Dental Nurse RDN, GDC - 268505
Jenna Woodward Dental Nurse RDN, GDC - 314251
Nicole Page Dental Nurse RDN, GDC - 319542
Heidi Griffiths Receptionist
Lynette Hopkins Receptionist
Karishma Bhattie Lead Decontamination Technician/Reception
Kacey Chambers Apprentice Dental Nurse,
Scarlet Rolph Apprentice Dental Nurse,
Alexis Love Apprentice Dental Nurse,
Georgia-Mai Blockley Apprentice Dental Nurse,